Happy Valentine’s Day…

I hope that everyone has had a great Valentine’s Day…and was able to spend it with those you love and enjoy spending time with…because that is what the day is all about! My day has been great…my wonderful husband, Rick, and I enjoyed breakfast at our favorite little cafe (Auntie B’s on Meridian in Puyallup) in town – and picked up coffee on the way…FORZA (http://www.forzacoffeecompany.com/) in downtown Puyallup – the BEST.  Normally Rick is our Sunday morning cook, but yesterday he had breakfast duties as our 4 year old granddaughter, Jayden, had spent the night and she wanted to fix pancakes with “papa” so they fixed a great breakfast that morning. That made it easy for this morning to decide to go out! After breakfast…we were back at home and while Rick watched the Daytona 500, I caught up on email and read a few blogs…and later we were able to deliver Valentine cards to both our kids (and spouses) as well as Jayden.  Dinner at home was AWESOME…if I don’t say so myself…and way better than fighting the crowds at the restaurants, let alone the expense! Here are a few pics from our great dinner…how can I not take a photo or two, of our great meal!

Pretty nice presentation, huh, not bad for for someone who really doesn’t do this sort of thing normally!
Chocolate Martini’s…a perfect drink on this day of love and chocolate!!
Our dessert…Molten Mocha Cake…yummy and very easy to make!
As I think about Valentine’s Day…it reminds me of those I love and care about…and just what they mean to me. Family and good friends, that is what life is all about! Hopefully, you have been able to celebrate today with those you love and enjoy spending time with…and maybe even enjoy a bite (or two!!!) of some good chocolate…because what would Valentine’s Day be without some great chocolate!?!
It’s now time to head to bed…but I hope you all have had a nice weekend and if you happen to have a long weekend with President’s Day tomorrow…I hope that you are able to take some time to relax and do some things you enjoy and to appreciate all that you have!

AND… a photo I took yesterday morning of three of my favorite people…my husband, granddaughter and our dog….a photo I love of some special people in my life!!

Beautiful blessing…

Earlier this week I had the pleasure of meeting baby Brylee who was just 9 days old! At just 6 pounds at birth and a tad under that now, she is little bitty…and ever so sweet! And, the hair she has…I’m sure that while in the nursery at the hospital, many other babies were quite envious…hair bows and clips will adorn her head much sooner than most newborns, I’m sure! During the session at Brylee and her parents home, we had the heat turned up so she wouldn’t get too cold during the “naked” shots. And, she amazed me and was awake for the entire session…now how often does a newborn stay awake for nearly 1 1/2 hours…although I must say her parents were thrilled and hoping this would mean she’d sleep more at night when so far had seemed to be her best awake hours!   It was a delight to meet Brylee, her mom, dad and big brother (the four-legged kind!) – thank you for a great afternoon! Here are a few previews of the session to hold her parents over until the gallery is ready!

Blast from the past…

While on our cruise last month, I spotted someone with something I consider an “antique” – a Polaroid camera! In this day and age of digital, I can’t remember the last time I had seen a Polaroid camera. It was quite a sight as they individual was strolling about the ship deck with this bulky looking thing…and taking photographs! Of course, I couldn’t resist taking his picture…and sharing with some of you who might not know about these ancient cameras!

In 1929, a man by the name of Edwin Land, started the process which eventually let to the Polaroid, or what was originally called “instant film.” It was nearly 20 years before the first instant camera went on sale to the public…for $95 which today would cost about $850. These quickly sold out, the idea was a huge hit and it was the beginning of Polaroid’s success. Many models were developed over the years and prices varied…until the mid 1990’s, when sales began to slide and sadly, in the last year, the company announced they would no longer produce the “instant film.” Thus, the end of a huge part of the history of photography…and although we can’t instantly have a print in our hand, with digital, we an instantly see our photos on the back of our cameras and it gives us that satisfaction of seeing what we captured! As the evolution of Polaroid developed over the years, I would imagine that some day my great (maybe great-great!) grandchildren will be chuckling at our excitement over the digital cameras we have today!

Although we can’t “print” instantly from our cameras…we can create the same look with software…thus satisfying our need for the “Polaroid” look! Here’s what I created from a photo I took of my granddaughter.