Happy Birthday, Jayden!

Today is a special day in our lives…our granddaughter, Jayden, turns four years old! It’s hard to believe that it’s only been four years since she entered our lives and changed our lives…she is beautiful, charming, caring, sweet, loving, determined, curious, playful, considerate and oh, so much more! We are fortunate to have her live close and I get two “mimi” days a week with her, which I cherish and am grateful for. For the first 20 months of her life, she lived in Virginia with her mom and dad…and then they all came back to the Puget Sound…and it’s been wonderful to watch her grow and change each day! So, today, I share some photos…one for each year – it’s amazing how much they change from year to year! Happy Birthday, Jayden, we love you!!

September 26, 2005…welcome to the world, Jayden!

A year old…and eager to learn and talk all she can! Oh…this picture was published in Australia as a poster for a speech pathology center…what a perfect shot for that!

She’s two…her first birthday here with us…oh, she was so sweet that day (and still is!)

Three years old…she’s growing up so fast…loves the park and all the toys there, not to mention the ducks on the pond!

Four years old…you are becoming such a beautiful young lady…here’s to many more years…and of course, many more photos!! As you can imagine, this is my reason for my passion for photographing children…and I “practice” with her all time time!