Week SIX of Fifty-two | {red}

Six weeks are behind us and six more weeks until spring…it’s sort of the time of year, where we are wishing for nicer weather, or maybe some more snow and real winter. Kids in school are getting a bit “antsy” wishing for spring break and of course, nicer weather. As a photographer, living in the Pacific Northwest, I am looking forward to some more consistent dry weather, but also, thankful for the dry (and occasional warm) days we do get this time of year. It seems we have to be a bit more creative, in trying to figure out when and where to photograph outside, if we have a session scheduled…it challenges us and pushes us…so it seems that when we are thinking we can’t be as creative as we would like to, we are pushed to think beyond our comfort zone and in the end, we learn and create more than we imagined possible!  This past week, I chose RED for my theme, of course, given the time of year, it seemed logical with Valentine’s Day nearly here! When you look around and think about the color, red, you will see that it’s out there, even more than we think…hearts and stop signs might be the first things that pop in your head, but if you look around, you’ll find it just about everywhere! I enjoyed “looking” for it and seeing what I could capture and share with all of you!

I wish for all of you a wonderful Valentine’s Day…shared with those you love…husband, wife, children, significant other or even good friends….it’s a day to be enjoyed and appreciate the relationships with those we care about…as they are such a HUGE part of our lives and happiness…I do appreciate all of my family and friends and love them all…can’t imagine not having them in my life…they are truly a blessing!

Happy RED!!!





