FAMILY | {2014 Monthly Project}
It’s hard to believe that the first month of 2014 is wrapping up – the time just passes far too quickly these days! After doing a 365 (daily photograph) project last year, I wasn’t sure just what I wanted to do this year, but I had decided to not do a 365. There have been two years recently that I did a 365 and both have been rewarding, fun and a great learning process, but by the end of the each year, I knew I needed a break. They are amazing projects, but also demanding…you can’t let it go a single day for the year, so there is pressure and sometimes it has felt like a chore, BUT with that being said, I wouldn’t have not done them!
So, this year I am doing a monthly project, a theme so to speak, with a series of photos tied to the theme…and I’ve decided to do it with someone else, sort of a team project. That “someone” else is our oldest granddaughter, who is 8 years old. Jayden has been a subject of my photos for nearly all her life and often asks if she can take a photo when I’m shooting…and she often has ideas about the photos I’m taking when she’s around. So…our first month’s theme is FAMILY – and we both have shot some photos that represent what family is to us and will each write a bit to go along with the photos.
Here’s my series of photos…a couple are from last month and there are a couple that are even older.Family…the definition according to Wikipedia is: a family (from Latin: familia) is a group of people affiliated by consanguinity (by recognized birth), affinity (by marriage), or co-residence/shared consumption (see Nurture kinship). Personally, it’s not only those you are related to by blood and/or marriage, but also those you you form a close bond with…a connection that is strong and feels like family! Family can change over time as well…there are marriages, divorces, relationships, births, deaths…all changing the family that you have with you and through all of that, you can either develop a closer connection to your “family” or let it slip away. Personally, I couldn’t be more thankful for my family…every single one of them…and even those who are no longer with us. Sometimes I think that the family that has passed away helps us to strengthen the bond with those who are still here. Six years ago, my dad passed away and there are still days that the loss is still fresh and heartbreaking, but I am very grateful for everything I learned from him and it has helped me learn to be thankful for each and every day spent with family and friends. I love my family, am thankful for them and am proud of each of them!
The below photos are from Jayden with her words about the photos…I have loved sharing this first month with her and look forward to the next 11 months and our projects!
Family…I love my family so much! I would do anything for my family. This is my dad, I love him and my dogs, Maddie and Zeus.
This is my cousin Emma, I love her. This is my Mimi and Papa with her, I love them so much!
I love my little cousin, she’s cute and sweet and nice to me.
This is ME! I’m Jayden…my family is fun and silly and cool and awesome. I love my family!
Emma is the best cousin in the world!
This is my aunt Jessie and cousin…and I can’t wait for the new baby to come…I will get a new cousin and our family will be bigger!
This is my friend, Jocelyn and her brother, Tyler…Jocelyn loves Tyler…she would do anything for him. That’s what family does.
Family can be very special, they can be funny, smart, they can be helpful and they can be wonderful. I hope you all have a wonderful family and love them.
Thank you for sharing in our first monthly project…stay tuned for next month when we have a new theme and new photos…