Precious Emma | 6 Months Old
“Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it, you can never get it back.” ~Harvey Mackay~
This quote says a lot, but one part of it really strikes a cord with me…”it’s priceless”…because that is what you can make of your time with family, friends, life…it’s all about what you take from your life/time. The past six months have flown by…our youngest granddaughter is now 6 months old and it seems like just last month she was born, but here she is…smiling, cooing, laughing, rolling, learning to sit up, sticking EVERYTHING in her mouth that she can get her hands on…and oh, so much more! This time IS truly priceless and such a joy to observe a new life becoming a little person. Although Emma arrived early, she’s doing great and is right on track. She may be petite, but that doesn’t stop her from what she wants…or wants to do and I can only imagine in the months ahead, she will push even more to get where she wants to go and get what she wants! I love watching her just play…with this age, it’s so simple, yet such a great stage for learning…they are so inquisitive and want to see (and taste!) everything possible. Any new sights or sounds will catch their attention…the rate of learning at this age is incredible and amazing and oh, how truly priceless it is!! Naturally, I’m photographing this little cutie all the time, but to be able to mark her “milestone ages” with some extra special photos is a gift to me and hopefully, some day to her. I know that her parents are LOVING every minute (well, maybe not every…like the middle of the night when she’s awake!!) of watching their daughter…she’s a gift to them and to the rest of the family and we are all so thankful and happy…to see her as such a beautiful and happy little one!! |
This ADORABLE Sock Monkey Hat was made by Adorable You, along with the leg warmers…I recommend you check out her website…she makes some beautiful things…for props, gifts or just to have!!
As I said, everything goes into the mouth…it’s part of the learning at this age…
Aren’t these legwarmers adorable!!
Our oldest granddaughter, Jayden, joined in for a couple of shots…she sure loves her cousin! I love how both their faces light up when they see one another…it is priceless!
And, even the toes go in the mouth…one of the cutest things about this age…I just can’t imagine how I’d get my toe in my mouth…not that I would want to!! LOL
Beautiful Emma…such a sweetie and she lights up my life and is truly a gift to all those who she’s met…her smile can’t help but make your day brighter!
Stay tuned in the next day or two…when Emma shares the spot light with her parents…another session that I LOVED shooting!!!!
This post is adorable. Emma is so sweet and we love all these pictures of her. How fast she has grown! I see a lot of Jess and Sean in her!!
Thank you for the comment on Emma’s blog…she is certainly growing fast and you can definitely see some of her mom and dad in her…just wait for the next one, with all three of them!!