Updates | {Change is GOOD!}
Well, the past couple of weeks, I’ve been working on this site and changing it from my blog to my website/blog and you may have already noticed a few change and there are still a few more ahead (please be patient!)…but for now, this is my website. A little over a year ago I had started planning a new/updated website and what I had envisioned didn’t play out, after all the work and time, and at the last minute, when I was disappointed, frustrated and confused, a new door opened and this came about! I will say that it didn’t take very long for me to “welcome” this site changing and I’m pleased with how it’s come along…and you know, sometimes, when one door closes, another door opens, with new possibilities! This is just what happened with this and I really am thankful and feeling (HUGE) relief for the end result…because it could be that I would still be trying to figure out the next step. So, both my former website www.TerriBeloitPhotography and http://terribeloit.com/photography will link to this same site…I wouldn’t want to “lose” anyone along the way…so if you are confused by the site, don’t be, you’ve found yourself in the right place. Feel free to look around and check out the new features and as I said, there are still a few new things to come, it just might take a bit before I get it all complete…and as with anything, it’s all a learning curve and truly…that’s a good thing because the more we learn, the more our brains are working…keeping them “young at heart!”
Last weekend I had a wonderful (split) session with a cute one year old and her family…I’m hopeful that within a couple of days I will get a blog posted from that session…and to be honest, it’s going to be hard, there are some really cute photos of this little one…so keep your eyes peeled for the posting near the end of the week.
Mild weather is still hanging around the Pacific Northwest and I must say, I will NOT complain about some rain or even some colder temperatures. With friends scattered across the country, I know that many have endured a really tough winter and certainly am thankful for the more “typical” winter we’ve had this year, despite the talk of a harsher winter…guess it just moved a bit farther East than they anticipated!! Colder temperatures are heading our way over the weekend…that’s okay, I’ll take it and just add another layer of clothes, if necessary…because it beats being snowed in for a few days or flooded out with heavy rains…and to be honest, we just need to “roll with the punches” and our punches have been pretty mild compared the punches others have had in the “rink!”
It’s back to work for me…but I hope this finds you all doing well and hanging in there as we have a little over a month until spring officially arrives!!
Congrats on finally getting your blog/website updated, I know some of what you went through trying to get it all done. It looks great!
Thanks, Kate…it’s certainly a lot of work and consumes your energy during it, but feels good to be on this end…a few more things to come, but for the most part, it’s complete!