Hello Hailey | {Puyallup Baby Photography}
This absolutely adorable little one is Hailey, who is now six months old. She first made an appearance here shortly after she was born and I so look forward to when the babies return during their first year. She was full of smiles and plenty of giggles (baby giggles are the BEST!!), during the session and such a relaxed and happy baby. It’s obvious her parents have totally fallen in love with her…even more than from the first session and are ever so attentive! I asked if Hailey was sitting by herself yet…something that is either something most at this age have either just mastered, or are working on. Hailey was working on it, but I think by the end of the session, I’d say, she had come close to mastering it…she had good balance and seemed pleased with herself for her new skill! You will see that this cutie has a great smile and I just love her sweet little nose wrinkle when she smiles…it’s the cutest!!!
These two photos cracked me up…in the first one, Hailey had such a serious look on her face and so dad tried to copy her in the second photo…I think she’s already teasing and playing games with her daddy!!
A mommy’s shoulder is the most comforting place in the world when you are little…whether happy, sad, tired or hungry…it’s always the RIGHT place!OH, how I love watching babies play with…and “eat” their toes…ahhh, the flexibility of a baby, amazing and something I can’t even imagine!! LOL
As you can see…this sweet one is SO very loved by her parents!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE these photos…her sweet smile and expressions will melt your heart!
Oh…shoes, something new and intriguing!!
Hailey was lucky enough to have the Easter Bunny bring her a few new “WubbNub’s” this year…and wow, something that is a great invention…much easier to keep track of and for the little ones…to hold on to!!I must say that these two photos might just be among my favorite from the session…so sweet…mommy & daughter…LOVE!
And, Hailey sure loves her daddy as well…it’s heartwarming!!
Tags…a fascination that definitely entertains her for quite a while!
OH…the cutest expressions…it just never ended!!
A big grin and lots of giggles…the best!!
A girl and her pearls…starting her young…I told her daddy to start shopping!! LOL
A beautiful and very happy family…I so enjoyed my time with Hailey and her parents…and I can’t wait until her one year session!!!